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CHC to deliver 175 homes under the Housing Australia Future Fund.

Wednesday 26 February 2025

Canberra-based community housing provider CHC is pleased to announce that three projects totalling 175 homes will be delivered in the ACT and NSW under the Federal Government’s Housing Australia Future Fund Facility (HAFFF) and National Housing Accord Facility (NHAF) program.

CHC welcomed the Federal Government’s release today of the preferred projects under Round One of the HAFFF funding program.

CHC’s successful projects, with a total development cost of more than $100 million, cover a mix of housing types from one-bedroom apartments to four-bedroom homes and will be occupied by a range of people in need of housing from at-risk youth to families. The projects are:

  • An 80-unit affordable apartment building purchased on a ‘turnkey’ basis in Queanbeyan, NSW. Construction is due to start on the one- and two-bedroom project later this year with tenants expected to move in during late 2027.
  • A project of 55 homes on the former PCYC headquarters in Canberra’s Turner. The joint venture with Canberra PCYC, supported by the Snow Foundation and ACT Government, comprises 45 affordable one- and two-bedroom apartments for essential workers and 10 one-bedroom social dwellings to support at-risk young people. The project is expected to see tenants living in the homes in early 2027.
  • A 40-dwelling project in the Canberra suburb of Taylor made up of 34 affordable and 6 social single-level three- and four-bedroom homes. Construction is expected to start in the second half of 2025 with the homes available to tenants in early 2027.

CHC CEO Nathan Dal Bon said: “CHC is delighted to be delivering a wide range of much-needed homes in the ACT and NSW under the HAFFF, with the 80 affordable apartments in Queanbeyan marking CHC’s first NSW project.

“CHC’s successful projects under the HAFFF underscores the vital role public, private and community housing sector partners play in the provision of quality, safe and affordable homes. We are working hard with Housing Australia and our other partners to deliver these homes as soon as possible.

“Congratulations all successful applicants, and particularly those in the ACT and Capital region who will now be able to move forward with delivering this critical social infrastructure.”

*In September 2024, the Federal Government and Housing Australia announced that 185 projects would make up the initial pipeline under the first funding round of the HAFFF and NHAF.

For more information:

click here to see the official media release