CHC is the largest provider of affordable and social housing based in Canberra.
We are a Tier 1 registered Community Housing Provider, with over 25 years’ experience delivering for the Canberra community.
In this time we have undertaken an impressive portfolio of property developments, that has enabled us to be financially independent, and self-fund the delivery of additional community housing supply, and the following core services:
Tenancy management – Understand and meet tenant needs in allocation of a property, and throughout the tenancy.
Property management – Conduct repairs and planned maintenance consistent with robust Asset Management Plans to both CHC-owned and CHC-managed rental properties.
Client services – Assist tenants and prospective tenants to access and sustain their tenancies by facilitating referrals to community services and support.
Community development – Work with tenants to promote social inclusion via tenant activities, training, partnerships and other opportunities.
Affordable home ownership – Pursue socially responsible developments with first-option to purchase given to CHC tenants.