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CHC is a successful business driven by a cause. We are a credible investment partner, with a strong track record in joint venture partnerships to grow social and affordable rental supply. Examples include the award-winning City Edge development in O’Connor, and the joint venture development of the Crace suburb. Our impact can have a far greater reach by forming strong partnerships with like-minded organisations than working alone.

We collaborate with:

  • Territory and Federal Governments in mutual goals to deliver an increased supply of social and affordable rental housing
  • Private developers seeking an affordable housing partner to meet affordable housing obligations or aspirations, including through potential access to capital grants and concessional debt available through the National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) to mixed use projects that involve a registered community housing provider.
  • Other not-for-profit organisations that provide complimentary services and who can help improve tenant well-being.
  • Other organisations looking to sponsor projects to deliver positive social outcomes in our community.

If you would like to discuss a joint venture opportunity with CHC please contact us by emailing