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We are offering tenants an opportunity to attend a free car maintenance workshop delivered by Autoco. This is a great opportunity for car owners to be empowered with basic mechanical knowledge, covering the following key components:

1. Learning about tyres, including checking and changing them.
2. Getting under the hood and checking water, oil, coolant etc.
3. Preparing your your vehicle for the worst case scenarios.

This will be a friendly learning environment, run by experienced mechanics and technicians.

When: Saturday 8th May
Time: 9.30am – 12 pm
Where: 133 Flemington Rd, Mitchell ACT 2911

Places are limited and pre-registration is a must!
Participants must be 16 years or older and refreshment will be provided as well as lucky door prizes!
Please complete your registration form found below and return to by Friday 30th April 2021.

registration form