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The Moneycare team of Salvos will be at CHC for an amazing opportunity for tenants to learn about how to better manage their personal finances.

They will go through their services at length and let you know about what resources you might be able to access through them, including FREE personal financial counselling.

Moneycare have already made available their e-book which prepares you for using their financial counselling and you can access this by clicking below.

Salvos Moneycare eBook

This will be a fun and informative way to learn about managing your finances which has the added bonus of being catered with pizza!
Also all households represented at the session will receive a $20 rent credit that week.*

When: Monday 19th July 2021

Time: 5.30pm-6.30pm

Where: CHC Boardroom, CHC office

Please register your interest by filling out the registration form below and emailing it to

Registration form- Your the boss-Moneycare

*rent discount only applies to chc tenants